Interface AntecedentCombineOperatorInterface

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AntecedentCombineOperatorInterface

An interface for classes that provides an operator to combine the fuzzy match values of antecedent/input pairs in a rule when a rule is fired which has multiple antecedents. By default the minimum operator (minimum of all match values) is used , but commonly the product operator (product of all match values) is also used.

See Also:
AntecedentCombineOperator, ProductAntecedentCombineOperator, MinimumAntecedentCombineOperator, CompensatoryAndAntecedentCombineOperator, FuzzyRule

Method Summary
 double execute(double[] matchValues)
          Classes that implement the AntecedantCombineOperatorInterface must provide an execute method that accepts an array floating point numbers (the match values) and returns a floating point number that is the result of doing the operation that the class implements (e.g.

Method Detail


public double execute(double[] matchValues)
Classes that implement the AntecedantCombineOperatorInterface must provide an execute method that accepts an array floating point numbers (the match values) and returns a floating point number that is the result of doing the operation that the class implements (e.g. minimum or product).

matchValues -
double that is the result of applying the operator to the 2 values