FuzzyJ Toolkit for the Java(tm) Platform

User's Guide

Open Source Version 2.0


R. Orchard
January 2014



The FuzzyJ Toolkit is a Java(tm) API for representing and reasoning with fuzzy information. The toolkit consists of a set of classes (package nrc.fuzzy) that allow a user to build fuzzy systems in Java as well as a supplementary set of classes (package nrc.fuzzy.jess) that include some Jess UserFunctions to provide an integration with Jess, the Expert System Shell from Sandia National Laboratories.


This software was originally created at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and has been released under the Mozilla Public Licence Version 2.0. The full text of the Mozilla Licence can be found at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

Table of Contents

        Brief description of the FuzzyJ Toolkit.
Legal Stuff
        Who can use it and responsibilities.

Overview of Fuzzy Concepts and Fuzzy Rules
        Brief introduction to fuzzy concepts such as imprecision, fuzzy sets, etc.
Fuzzy Variables
        Defining a fuzzy variable with its language for describing fuzzy concepts of the variable.
        (e.g. Temperature)
Fuzzy Sets
        Physical representation of fuzzy membership in a set.
Fuzzy Values
        Specific instances of a fuzzy concept for a Fuzzy Variable.
        (e.g. Temperature is very hot)
Fuzzy Modifiers
        Extending the language used to describe fuzzy concepts.
        (e.g. very, slightly, above, ...)
Fuzzy Rules
        Simple fuzzy rules can be created in Java
Certainty Factors
        Some techniques to introduce a limited certainty factor capability using existing class methods
        Integration with the rule based expert system shell, Jess
The FuzzyJ Toolkit API
        Details of the classes, methods, etc. that make up the toolkit
New Features, Changes and Helpful Hints
        Describes extensions and changes in new versions and provides a few programming hints
        Some places to get further information

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